Choosing to adopt is life-changing and can create strong bonds, legally and emotionally, between a parent and his or her non-biological child. Adoption can grant the child new opportunities and [...]
Granting guardianship to someone other than a child’s parents allows that person to obtain custody of the child if the parents become unable to care for the child. Establishing a guardian for a [...]
In California, legal custody and physical custody are the two types of custody that can be granted to parents. Legal custody includes the important decisions made for children, such as education, [...]
The California state government requires a Summons, Petition and a Certificate of Counsel. Spouses with children must also file a Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and [...]
There are several legal steps to the divorce process in California. Once a spouse decides to file for divorce, he or she will have to acquire and fill out all of the required forms, including any [...]
If you are dealing with an uncooperative partner, there are a couple of things you can do. If you have an existing custody or visitation order, get a certified copy of the order and ask the [...]
Parents who are unsatisfied with the terms of their child custody, child support or visitation orders may file a Request for Order with the California court. Filing doesn’t guarantee that your [...]
Child support is the amount of money one parent is legally granted to receive from the other parent. The courts can order one or both parents to pay a specified sum each month to help support the [...]
Depending on the circumstances of your individual family issues, you may or not require the legal assistance of a lawyer. However, a family law attorney can help you go through all of the proper [...]
Family law is a broad term that includes divorce, child support and everything in between. It can decipher the validity of a marriage, define paternity, and outlines the laws regarding divorce, [...]
Please send us a message to set up a consultation with an experienced Atascadero family law attorney. We will be glad to sit down with you and discuss your situation.